Community Development Curriculum Lab, March 2017
CDLI Community Development Curriculum Lab event, March 2017
On March 13, 2017, Calgary’s Community Development Learning Initiative (CDLI) invited Calgarians to discuss and help in the development of a training curriculum that supports Calgarians to improve their communities.
Several stations were set up to collect feedback and hear from Calgarians on: possible training topics, what assistance people can offer, local stories of community development experiences, ideas and areas where people are passionate to get involved. And finally everyone was asked to vote on a number of areas including: curriculum length, core training topics, curriculum training title, etc.
Feedback from Calgarians on the design, content and delivery of the curriculum included:
- It should be fun and participators, delivered in plain language using concrete examples and community stories
- It should be offered where people already gather, informal community leaders should be involved and done in the evenings and/or weekends.
- Definitions of leadership should be expanded beyond 'western' ideas and asset-building should be included
- The importance of building a common cause was stressed
- A wide diversity of community development resources should be considered in an accessible way for residents
- ... these were only a few of the ideas shared which CDLI will use to continue to develop the CD curriculum with community partners.
Look out for another update on the curriculum development process and its eventual public release!
For more information, to contribute or if you have questions contact Sherry Choma at