Community Conversations
THANK YOU for JOINING US AT Big Meet Up 2024!

If you have ideas for Meet Up topics for 2025 and some time to work with us to host them email us!
Thanks for joining us at the Big meet Up 2023!

Big Meet Up - Big Celebration
Find a recap and reflection of CDLI’s Big Meet Up Big Anniversary celebration here.
happy meet up faces!
“Meet Ups give me a chance to hear from others about creative community initiatives happening in other areas of the city. I appreciate how we share stories, information about resources, and what we have learned. I have met many inspiring people that I would never have met otherwise!”

community Development Practitioner Gatherings
CDLI hosts monthly Open Space-style conversations for Community Development Practitioners to come together with their peers and discuss the topics, questions, opportunities, or challenges most top of mind for them at the time.
Topics can be submitted through Eventbrite or by emailing us at
Who is a Community Development Practitioner?
Anyone who works in community (paid or unpaid, volunteer with an organization or in a group of neighbours big or small) to welcome people and come together to take collective action for common good.
To be added to CDLI’s CD Practitioner mailing list, send a quick note to!
Next CD Practitioner Gathering
Date: Wednesday, March 12
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Where: Zoom
Register today
Save the Dates for 2025
in the bottom of the graphic to the right
“I am so grateful to be included in this group and always take away ideas that I can put into practice”
“I appreciate the chance to build relationships.... online platforms allow for meaningful connections I wouldn’t be able to make otherwise.”