April 2023 CD Practitioner Gathering Harvest

By Amanda Palmer

On Wednesday, April 12th we hosted our fourth gathering for community development practitioners of 2023.

We had two conversations with a lot of notes captured!. See our full harvests here or in the slides below.

What CD Learning Opportunities are we participating in right now?

  • The group made a list of resources - check the slides to see!

  • Moving to virtual has meant we have access to many more learning opportunities than we had previously

  • Learning from our community experiences is valid too - especially recognizing intentional reflection of those efforts and what we’re learning from them

  • Another way we are learning is by looking at and understanding different models of collective action in rural Alberta

How are we creating meaningful opportunities for community members to participate in our efforts?

  • There needs to be intentionality and time to facilitate things to get them started and keep them going. You want to reach the point where community members want to be a part of what you’re doing and take ownership

  • Build trust and confidence of people to create new pathways and hold space for deep conversation