Sustainable Futures: Calgary
A collection of stories, tools, organizations, and conversations exploring what’s possible for our City, and how we might get there
Many of us in Calgary are passionate about our city, and about making it a place where everyone can thrive and belong. How might we create a more sustainable future for Calgarians? This is a question that many individuals, associations, and organizations are grappling with and moving forward on. On November 30, 2022 CDLI in partnership with United Nations Association of Canada - Alberta region, and many local community organizations, hosted a community conversation exploring exactly this! We hope to continue this exploration, and invite you to share what you are doing in this realm as well!
community conversation exploring ‘How might we create a more sustainable future for calgarians?’
On Wednesday, November 30, 2022 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. we co-hosted a virtual community conversation on this calling question. Over the course of two hours, we came together in community with many local organizations and individuals who are passionate about and working towards change to make our communities better places to live. Over the course of this conversation we came up with vision statements and action statements to help us get there:
This community conversation was made possible thanks to the support of many people, including our amazing facilitators who hosted breakout rooms sorted by the 5 pillars of Agenda 2030, and our wonderful note takers from the Sustainable Development Goals Alliance at the University of Calgary and also from United Nations of Association of Canada - Calgary Branch!
People was hosted by the Women's Centre of Calgary and the Alex Community Food Centre.
Planet was hosted by Indigenous Climate Action and UNAC Alberta region.
Prosperity was hosted by Vibrant Communities Calgary (stewards of Enough for All) and Calgary Dollars.
Peace was hosted by the City of Calgary - Resilience & Futures.
Partnerships was hosted by the Climate Organizer cross-posted between Calgary Alliance for the Common Good and Calgary Climate Hub and CDLI.
You can see our full harvest below. We were also grateful to have two local artists share some of their sustainable future-focused work with us to get us grounded. Thank you to Carolyn Horwood for her poem, and Twinkle Banerjee for her images! You can see both in the slides below!

Create your own magic formula - download the handout here. We’d love to see yours! Tag us on social media or email it to us!
Meet Rebecca from the Family Advocacy Support Centre!
Reflections on the CDLI Big Meet Up Big Anniversary event on November 18th and re-imagined Vision and Mission
Find out how CDLI is celebrating 10 years and collectively look to the future of CDLI and other networks.
“Radically Hopeful Futures” was a panel discussion hosted by Volunteer Alberta at their 2023 AGM.
Further resources from Volunteer Alberta and the panelists are also provided.
Join CDLI for our Meet Up on Practicing Sustainability taking place on Thursday, April 27, 2023 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association (1320 5 Avenue NW).
Von a Muralist, engaging the FilipinX Community and his vision for the future!

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, including Canada. It acts as a blueprint for creating a sustainable future for all, grounded in the five pillars of People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are the heart of this agenda, and a path forward for creating the changes we need locally and globally.

Carolyn Horwood shares her poem “The Pull to Lead” to help get us grounded for our November 30, 2022 community conversation.
Building Enough For All Futures
Join CDLI for our Meet Up on Practicing Sustainability taking place on Thursday, April 27, 2023 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association (1320 5 Avenue NW).
Calgary Climate Hub has several open board positions! They are looking for climate-engaged folks with experience in board governance, human resources, and communications.
The Poverty Studies Summer Institute is a unique study opportunity that brings together practitioners, students and community members into an intimate learning community to explore the causes and impacts of poverty and best practices in how to reduce and end it.
Dig into the local and global food system, work together for food justice, take your ideas and grow an active youth hub at the Alex CFC! Youth aged 14-24.
The wonderful people at PovertyTalks! are currently looking for new Steering Committee members to join their team!
In December we brought together online some of the community leaders who have been an important part of CDLI’s efforts. Together we explored priorities for community development in 2023!
Megan Davidson, a Catamount Fellow at Mount Royal University is exploring actions to create better spaces for grassroots, community-led groups in the system of care in Alberta.
This year marks 10 years since the Community Development Learning Initiative came into existence here in Calgary! We're collecting your stories about your experiences with CDLI to help re-ground ourselves in our purpose.
Talk circular economies and climate with the Climate Partners over three workshops on November 9 & 16 (6-9pm) and December 3
The Calgary Climate Hub is a non-profit “working together to support meaningful local action on climate change”.
Indigenous Climate Action is an “Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors and land defenders from communities and regions across the country”
The Alex Community Food Centre is an important resource based out of Forest Lawn when it comes to food.
A Calgary-based example of a climate change action plan for community associations!
CDLI is looking to feature various forms of art at our upcoming community conversation. Submit your future-focused art today!
Learn more about how Poverty Talks! celebrated International Day for the Eradication of Poverty while also getting important feedback for key poverty-related strategies.
Did you know that in addition to helping women meet basic needs and create community, the Women’s Centre of Calgary and Area also Works for Change?
Learn more about Calgary’s Resilient Calgary Strategy, a future-focused strategy that focuses on the economy, equity and inclusion, natural infrastructure, and built infrastructure.
This resource features a list of charitable organizations in Calgary & Area who are pursuing a sustainable future.
This past May Sustainable Calgary released a comprehensive overview of the City of Calgary’s proposed Climate Strategy.
Read about Tyson’s experience in community development!
Read about Tyson’s experience in community development!