January 2025 Practitioner Gathering Harvest - CDLI

On Wednesday January 8th CDLI hosted the first gathering for community development practitioners of 2025!

We had three discussion topics that practitioners chose to engage in. See our shared harvest here or in the slides below. If you have a topic in mind that you would like to discuss with other community development practitioners please let us know and we will include it in a future COP date that works for you.

January 2025 Practitioner Gathering Harvest

In the share back participants identified key take away/points of reflection that came from the conversations.

Room 1: Making time for a more inclusive planning and design process in our community work.

  • Having an EDI lens from the get go and stay on track

  • Be flexible and adaptable to community need - start small, try different things to engage different groups

  • Meet people where they are at - physical location and readiness for involvement

Room 3: What tools are you using to make your 2025 community events the place to be?

  • Intentional time for facilitated connection/conversation before the event starts formally

  • Going where the people are

  • Focus on growth when reflecting on feedback - how do we grow from here?

Room 4: Tips for scaffolding social emotional learning and wrap around skills to support community development.

  • We move at the speed of trust

  • Justice is what love looks like

    Actions to take:

    Prioritize self care as practitioners so we can pour into ourselves as we pour into the people we engage with.

CDLI looks forward to hosting monthly COP’s throughout 2025. Save the dates in your calendar using the graphic below or add your name to the monthly reminder mailing list by emailing us and requesting to join.