Celebrating Mini Summit 2024! - Community Development Basics Redefined
On the morning of June 12, 2024, Over eighty Community Development Practitioners gathered in-person and over Zoom for our first hybrid Mini Summit! Over the course of three hours guests had the opportunity to participate in twelve sessions online, in-person or both. We spent some time learning about the work people are doing to redefine community development as well as reflecting on our learning before the event ended.
To continue the learning we created this Miro board as a tool to encapsulate key learnings, resources and contact information individuals contributed to the board themselves following each session. Furthermore, this is a PDF version of the Miro board here.
Recordings of both online and in-person sessions at this years Mini Summit are accessible below and on YouTube to support continued learning from Mini Summit. We are currently working on getting all videos uploaded, all recordings will be uploaded by mid-July. Slides are accessible below.
“I appreciate how comfortable the atmosphere was, I would love to attend an in person event. All of the hosts were fantastic!”
Session one
Activating Empty Spaces
This session was hosted by Jack Goodwin. View the session below.
Viewers will learn about foundational, actionable insights into where to put energy in your community landscape. From a small neighbours backyard, to multi-acre properties in the middle of the City (like Grow Calgary, Land of Dreams & Highfield Regenerative Farm), Jack answers questions about the tools and techniques he's used to push urban agriculture forward in Calgary.
Emowering Youth in the Black community For DISCRIMINATION their afro hair
This session was hosted by Kitoko Afro Hair Training Center (KAHTC) Society Ladyne Viokolo Kala,Joyce Kala Nsakala Mbuku, Davina Lubanda, Dimercia Kalala Tshibangu, Veronique Nyotedje Fotso and Ad Farshori of Trellis. View the session below.
Viewers will learn about about supporting the black community around discrimination at the grassroots level and how she became a non-profit organization and the creation of a program that empowers the community, build capacity for youth and residents. This program brought knowledge of culture, community and connection and pride about the heritage.
Beyond Likes and Shares: Youth Redefining Community Development Online
This session was hosted by Priscilla. View the session below.
Viewers will learn about redefining the intersections of digital activism and community development to discover how communities can move from liking and sharing posts to learning, connecting, and taking action together in real-time. Based on insights and learnings from three youth-led online Read, Watch, Learn (RWL) workshops attended by over 120 Canadians, you will be encouraged to rethink traditional community development approaches and explore new opportunities to address today's challenges.
Creating & Sustaining Community-Led Projects
This session was hosted by Gabriella for The Hatch. View the session below.
Viewers will learn how to build and maintain community projects utilizing mutual aid and community engagement approaches. Discussed are key steps in developing community initiatives, using the Hatch’s community fridge and access to their handbook as guides.
Session two
A gendered approach: Community development along gendered lines
This session was hosted by Nicole Colley-Lewis of The Women’s Centre. View the session below.
Viewers will learn about gender and development approach to community development and how this approach can correct systems and mechanisms that creates inequities in society.
Improving Service Delivery for Immigrants & newcomers in Calgary through community asset mapping & STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT
This session was hosted by staff from Immigrant Services Calgary (ISC), Tihana Radojcic and Rebeca Andrada. View the session below.
Viewers will learn about asset mapping and needs assessment system that was built in collaboration with different community stakeholders. Furthermore, will learn about the collaborative model that enabled streamlined access to services for newcomers and immigrants in Calgary and area.
Community Placemakers at Loughheed House When Museums Centre Community
This session was hosted by Tyson Bankert of CDLI and Allison Graham of Lougheed House. View the session below.
Viewers will explore approaches of community placemaking and it can deepen the relevance of museums through the case study of Lougheed House.
Session three
Equity by Design: Building Anti-Racist Programs
This session was hosted by Denyelle Fraser of CDLI and More Than Enough Consulting. View the session below.
Viewers will explore the foundational concepts of equity and anti-racism, gaining a deep understanding of why these principles are crucial in program design.
Capacity Building Strategies: A shared learning experience
This session was hosted by Daniela Galindo from Government of Alberta CD Unit. View the session below.
Viewers will explore shared strategies, resources and tools that help support your community through strengths-based perspectives and collective action. Furthermore, will learn what it means to support capacity building in practice by using skills, knowledge and experiences.
Mental Wellingbeing in South Asian Communities
This session was hosted by Amber Qureshi from PCHS Calgary.
Unfortunately, there is no recording for this session due to technical difficulties. However, if this was a discussion you were interested in please contact them through their website here or through their Instagram
Food Fosters
This session was hosted by Amanda from Food Fosters.
Unfortunately, there is no recording for this session as well due to technical difficulties. However, if this was a discussion you were interested in please contact them through their website here or through their Instagram
Mini Summit is hosted by CDLI in collaboration with volunteer session hosts, planning working group and those who recorded sessions as well as documented key takeaways onto the Miro board. Thank you for all your work!
If you found Mini Summit as a valuable learning opportunity and would like to be more hands on for the next one, please consider joining the working group and help shape Mini Summit 2025! Contact us at cdli@caryacalgary.ca for more information!