February 2025 Practitioner Gathering Harvest - CDLI
On Wednesday February 12th CDLI hosted the second gathering for community development practitioners of the year.
We had three discussion topics that practitioners chose to engage in. See our shared harvest here or in the slides below. If you have a topic in mind that you would like to discuss with other community development practitioners please let us know and we will include it in a future COP date that works for you.
In the share back participants identified key take away/points of reflection that came from the conversations.
Room 1: Ethical and inclusive engagement with systemically vulnerable populations.
finding the leaders and spending the time to build trust
transparency about the work, where their information will go, etc.
Room 4: How to engage community based organizations that aren’t actually present in the community?
Collaboration is key - working together!
More time together - awareness of each other and our work.
Build relationships, build bridges.
Sense of humility and grace - people are doing the best they can.
Next steps/actions to take identified by those involved in this discussion:
1) Going to bingo every time.
2) Facilitated capacity building opportunity for sector (ex. Government of Alberta CD Unit).
Room 5: How can community enhance sense of belonging?
Engagement first - invite us to consider programs and services, include those who are impacted.
Creating safety guided by participants.
CDLI looks forward to hosting open space COP’s for Community Development Practitioners (paid and unpaid) on the second Wednesday of each month in 2025. Register to join us here.