November 2023 CD Practitioner Gathering Harvest - CDLI

As we reflect on our recent gathering, hosted by Denyelle Fraser, the spotlight was on EDIA – Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility. In the room, we had a diverse mix of participants, including representatives from non-profit organizations, Community Associations, Family-serving organizations, Recreation-based organizations, and food security focused organizations. We delved deep into the shift in perspective, exploring how we can apply EDIA principles to our community development and programming initiatives. With a focus on the impactful journey of Brown Bagging for Calgary's Kids (BB4CK) most recently, our discussion delved into the nuances of collaborating and problem-solving alongside communities, contrasting this with the more traditional approach of providing them with predetermined solutions or interventions. The discussions were rich, with everyone sharing their unique experiences and experience, painting a clear picture of the power of co-designed solutions in fostering inclusivity and resilience within our communities.