Success in Community Action Training Winter 2021

We’re organizing a new round of our eight week community of learning to start in the Winter of 2021!

We will meet virtually on Monday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

In addition to our weekly gatherings, learners will have one-on-one support from one of the co-facilitators!

Our learning dates and topics include:
1. February 22: Welcome & CD Alive: Strengthening our Communities
2. March 1: Great Communities: Why, How What
3. March 8: Complexity & Shared Leadership
4. March 15: Community Strengths & Assets
5. March 22: Relationship Building & Trust in Community
6. March 29: Working with Conflict
*note no gathering on April 5, Easter Monday*
7. April 12: Identifying and Celebrating Success
8. April 19: From Ideas to Action

To apply for this free learning opportunity, please fill out this form.



Amanda Palmer is passionate about building connected, inclusive, resilient communities where community voices are heard and create meaningful impact. She is a lifelong learner, and values creativity and collaborating deeply to allow new things emerge that disrupt the status quo and move us towards a more just society. Amanda has had the honour and privilege of being the CDLI lead since February 2019.To apply for this free learning opportunity, please fill out this form


Tyson Bankert has been working and volunteering in supporting neighbourhood life for as long as he can remember! His interest in community comes at the intersection of justice and community development, and his work is based on equity, wellness, and agency. His personal slogan is: “Promote Justice, Edify Others, and Befriend the Lonely”.