New! Monthly Reflexive Practice
“‘reflexivity’ - a process of continual active reflection that moves beyond comfort, to activate new ways of knowing & doing based on new information.”
This quote is taken from page 14 of Ta7taliya’s second workbook, ‘Decolonize…’, which has been a foundational document for CDLI. This word, reflexivity, continues to spark a lot of inspiration for us, which you may have noticed in some of our later e-newsletters in 2021. It also helped inform the design of our 2021 end of year gathering, ‘What’s Possible!? Our Communities are Changing. So Are We.’
One of the emerging opportunities from that December conversation was the interest in holding space more regularly to reflect together… and from that, this monthly Reflexive Practice has been born!
How it Works
We’ll be holding space online - an hour over lunch time - on the last Friday of the month. Depending on the number of people who show up, we’ll put you off in pairs or triads for the hour. You’ll take turns working on the ‘What, So What, Now What’ process, reflecting on your community efforts over the past month.
A key aspect of reflexivity is that we are meant to ‘move beyond comfort’. As such, we encourage you to take a few minutes prior to arriving to get grounded and prepared to go deep. This process won’t be as meaningful for you or your community if you aren’t prepared to be vulnerable, and aren’t truly willing to challenge your ways of knowing & doing.
If you have any questions, or need any additional information, get in touch with us! We can be reached at or at 403-919-3072.