2022 Learnings: Mutual Aid
By Tyson Bankert
Mutual Aid?
This past year CDLI has been on a learning journey around the concept of Mutual Aid. Mutual Aid is defined by “a form of political participation in which people take responsibility for caring for one another & changing political conditions not just through symbolic acts or putting pressure on representatives but by actually building new social relations that are more survivable.” (Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, Deane Spade).
Mutual Aid Resources
There is no ‘right way’ to do Mutual Aid. Below are some helpful experts who have practiced forms of Mutual Aid. Summer 2022, practicum student Carly, significant learning was on Mutual Aid.
Mutual Aid January 31, 2022
Mutual Aid vs Charity Model
One of the major shifts about the Mutual Aid models is that the model can go deeper than traditional charity models of giving. Mutual Aid is a shift in when we come together we can think about how we create and sustain change!
Challenges of Mutual Aid:
Our world is ever increasingly in struggle. Mutual Aid at its core is about solidarity which requires strong relations between community members. The kind of solidarity means coming together in a different way.
Mutual Aid Explainer (Dean Spade)
Mutual Aid in Practice:
Mutual Aid is a shift in how we make change! It can be fulfilling, caring and purposeful. To build strong mutual aid efforts leadership, transparency and reciprocity are useful tools to the cause.
Making decisions by consensus can develop trust, inclusion and foster shared leadership models.
Having transparent processes will provide clarity and accountability for your group.
Those involved in community development work to help community members find sustainable and meaningful ways to create a better and more equitable community for all. Community development has the opportunity to educate about mutual aid practices to help community members mobilize themselves to help each other out when needed. Creating their own social safety net without government interference or criteria.