Community Hubs 5 Year Report now available!

The Community Hubs Initiative was officially founded in 2017 as an innovative partnership between United Way of Calgary and Area, the City of Calgary, and Rotary Clubs of Calgary as a way to strengthen neighbourhoods and activate public spaces in priority communities in Calgary. Community Hubs are welcoming and inclusive spaces where residents build connections, access supports and services, and work together to identify and respond to community needs, all of which contribute to stronger neighbourhoods.

 The recently release report can be found here.

With five amazing years under our belt, we are excited to embark on our renewed strategy for Community Hubs (2022 – 2026). The next five years of the Community Hubs initiative will see Hubs continuing to play a critical role in COVID-19 recovery phases and beyond by providing welcoming and inclusive public gathering places where residents come together, support one another, access services, and work together to identify and respond to community needs.