Community Wellbeing in Calgary - interview request!

Vibrant Communities Calgary and the Canadian Poverty Institute are working on a research project, and want your help!

During 2022, Statistics Canada will be releasing reports with the results of the 2021 Census Survey. We are collaborating with organizations in Calgary to produce an overview report on community wellbeing that will be released in response to the 2021 Census. The goal of this study is to identify and fill in the gaps in the Census and other statistical data on poverty and standard of living data in Calgary.  

  We’re looking to interview people who self-identify as having lived experiences of poverty, as well as a handful of frontline providers or community organizers. The interview will take about 30-minutes to complete, and it can be in-person or over Zoom. Participants will be compensated with a $40 gift card.   

Please email by August 1 if you are interested. I’ve attached a poster with the details; feel free to share that with others.