CDLI Reimagining Vision and Mission - Share back and Invitation to have your voice heard

On May 4th a number of CDLI Network Members including folks from each of CDLI's areas of work came together to read and work with the (101!) stories that you submitted about your experiences with CDLI.  Thank you!  These stories informed the next step in redefining CDLI's Vision and Mission on our 10 year anniversary.

After 10 years we have impacted and worked with a LOT of people in different spheres.  We know not everyone could make it to the session on May 4th and we still want to hear your voice in the refinement part of this process.  This form contains the rough draft contributions that groups came up with for Vision and Mission statements for CDLI.

You can use the form in two ways:
1) Read through and find out what came out of the session.
2) Answer the questions in the form to include your voice in this next step.     

And if processing via conversation is more your speed please reach out to book a time with Lee-Ann to talk through the form or any of the parts of this process.