July 2021 Conversations & Notes

Our July Community Development Practitioners Gathering was held the morning of July 21, 2021.

Of the topics available we had three great conversations - you can find the full notes here.

The questions explored in each breakout room and highlights shared include:

How do you meaningfully connect with your neighbours?

  • It’s not easy, but you’re not alone in feeling this way!

  • Conversations with neighbours need to be intentional, while still also organic.

  • Don’t forget to engage with and support local businesses, this will help create a sense of neighbourliness.

For those continuing to offer both in-person and virtual services/programs, how can we ensure that we continue to offer strong virtual services?

  • There are lots of groups doing amazing things, and a lot of positives that have come out of virtual, like access.

  • Be a participant to see how others are doing this, and take the time to double up on things.

  • Go to where people are at (both in person and virtually) and be creative moving forward.

Supporting yourself and others while working on decolonization and anti-racism work.

  • Discussion explored dynamics in personal vs. work space, with the note that some conversations are easier to have in certain places than others, but they need to happen in all places/spaces.

  • Discomfort is required for change growth, learning and unlearning… especially for white people. We cannot let discomfort stop people from having these conversations.

  • White people need to have these conversations with other white people, do not rely on racialized people to hold these conversations - but be sure to centre BIPOC voices in conversations.

  • Be aware of the impact of actions and the space you are taking up. Recognize power.

Don’t miss out on the opportunities shared in the notes!

Our next practitioner gathering will be on August 18, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.