Reflecting on Success in Community Action week 2
As part of the eight week virtual learning for Success in Community Action, we’ve invited our co-learners to write reflection pieces following each session to share what they are learning.
This week we talked about “Great Communities: Why, How, What”, and Sharon has offered her reflections:
"I feel like I've landed in a place that is really going to help me move to the next steps in my understanding and use of Community Development practices. It can be difficult for me to feel part of a group. This group of people that has come together for these workshops is really passionate about this work. The structure of the sessions allows us to join the activities from multiple entry points and to engage in large group and small group interactions. The development of a resource bank is useful and has already got me thinking of new ideas. I'm really excited to be digging deeper into the "why" of what I'm doing so that I can better negotiate the "what" of future projects. By being really intentional in expressing my "why" I think I'll be able to confidently explain my work to others. I feel supported here ."
Thank you for this thoughtful reflection Sharon, we’re happy to have you as part of our learning community!