Community Placemakers in Hillhurst Sunnyside - Reflections
By Tyson Bankert
Community Placemakers
In September 2022, CDLI worked together with Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association’s Community Connections Coordinator, Shaye, to host a new experiential learning experience. The neighbourhoods of Hillhurst and Sunnyside are located in northwest of Calgary, and together make a vibrant, diverse and ever-changing community.
What is Community Placemakers?
A packed three-part program with the goal to engage residents to learn, develop and create meaningful connections for their community. To identify the assets in Hillhurst-Sunnyside - the gifts, strengths, resources that exist in the neighbourhood residents used asset-mapping.
Part One - Community Asset Mapping
“I get to take time to experience the neighbourhood that I love so much! The program was a great experience. “
- Community Placemakers Participant
Participants walked around the neighbourhood sharing, exploring and identifying assets in their community. This could be people, locations, art, resources, groups that they feel make their neighbourhood more connected. In Hillhurst-Sunnyside, highlights like a heritage home dedicated to Canada’s first female Black Lawyer, Violet King or the pocket parks along Gladstone Road.
Part Two - Individual Assets
Week two participants explained what their own strength and assets were and how they could contribute to their neighbourhood. Participants had experiences ranging from gardening to community engagement to interests in community cleanliness.
Part Three - Actions
Using the experiences and interests of the group, it was decided to continue holding monthly walks to keep engaging residents on asset mapping.
Shaye and Nkechi
Looking at ContainR Park!
Community Bulletin Board at Sunnyside Station
“There are so many neat spaces if you take the time to explore off the front streets. We really have something special here that people come from all over Calgary to see.
Community Pantry at Hillhurst United Church
Gnome Doors