Introducing the Building Connected Communities Project Team at CDLI

Introducing the Building Connected Communities Project TEam at CDLI

In these uncertain times, many people are turning and returning to community to hold the structure of belonging. CDLI is excited to launch the Building Connected Communities project to support individuals, neighbourhoods, grassroots projects and organizations to build capacity for growing diverse and healthy communities using the asset-based community development framework (ABCD). 

ABCD starts from the place of “what’s strong, not what’s wrong.” ABCD asserts that every community is rich with assets: people, physical, groups and associations, professionals and institutions and more. In that vein, we’d like to take the time to celebrate the new folks on the CDLI team that are part of the Building Connected Communities Project and hear from them about what excites them about the BCC project and being immersed in the world of ABCD:  

Victoria Wood, Capacity Builder

I have a keen interest in working with diverse communities to bring about social change. This interest has led me to engage with diverse communities and groups across Alberta, and I am excited to explore and identify relevant resources that members in communities can utilize to bring about the changes they want to see in their communities.

You will find Victoria developing facilitation plans and hosting learning and connection opportunities about ABCD.  She is also excited to meet with you and/or your group/organization to hear about the types of connections, learning or tools that might support you to explore or implement ABCD in your community.  The role of the capacity builder can include working with you to host learning opportunities directly in community settings/in partnership.

Chelsea Elliott,
Community Connector Coordinator

What excites me the most about ABCD is the opportunity to build strong relationships with community connectors and host organizations. I am really looking forward to engaging authentically with diverse communities and seeing the community-led initiatives that will emerge from this collaborative work!

You will find Chelsea supporting the partner organizations that are selected within the BCC project to host a community connector and the community connectors individually.  This might look like organizing a community of practice to create a supportive and collaborative space for the community partners and community connectors to share information and learn.  You might also find Chelsea supporting a community connector with goal setting, setting up a listening campaign or trying out one of the tools developed by the capacity building work Victoria is doing.   

Chantal Eves,
Community Connector Coordinator

The practice of ABCD excites my imagination and has me curious about what is possible when the gifts of the community are discovered, shared and woven into the social fabric of our city! 

You will find Chantal supporting the partner organizations that are selected within the BCC project to host a community connector and the community connectors individually.  This might look like organizing the community of practice or working with Victoria on a specific facilitation plan to bring together a learning opportunity for the partner organizations hosting community connectors.  You might also find Chantal supporting the creation of evaluation tools and communication channels for the BCC project.  

Lauren Mangion,
Project Lead and Capacity Builder

What excites me about ABCD is that the framework is rooted in strengths and the approach of community-driven change. People in communities are the experts on their own specific contexts, and I am excited to engage more people in Calgary to surface ideas and action on building greater belonging and connection within communities. 

You will find Lauren doing a little bit of everything on the BCC project. You will see her co-facilitating workshops and other ABCD learning opportunities with Victoria. She will be working with PolicyWise, the developmental evaluator for the project, to provide input on the creation of evaluation tools for BCC. You will also find her providing opportunities for collaborative visioning of the project as it grows and develops over the 2 years. 

Lee-Ann Baines,
Project Manager 

Given the longevity and wide recognition of ABCD I am excited for the opportunity to look at ABCD in Calgary specifically, document the process, be a bit creative with the framework and share these learnings widely.  Some of the key steps in ABCD are to welcome, share, celebrate, and vision.  I am excited to learn more about how communities bring these steps to life!

You will find Lee-Ann working with City of Calgary liaisons, PolicyWise, community partners, the BCC project team and Carya to bring everyone forward with a unified work plan.  You might find Lee-Ann in the capacity building sessions or out in the community for BCC or CDLI generally.  Lee-Ann is co-lead of CDLI and will be continuing hosting the open space Community of Practice once per month, collaborating to bring workshops and community conversations to the network and Calgary as well.       

Want to Learn More?

  • Check out the City of Calgary’s ABCD Toolkit for learning, resources and stories of communities using ABCD

  • Come to a “Growing Your ABCD Practice” gathering, which is designed to bring together individuals, groups, communities and organizations that are passionate about engaging communities using a strengths-based approach. This is a great place to learn together, experiment and cheer one another on as we apply ABCD to our communities. All levels of familiarity with ABCD are welcome! 

  • Follow CDLI on Instagram and through our newsletter and website for upcoming learning opportunities, community conversations and events from the Building Connected Communities team