COVID-19 Grief: Introducing 'A Toolkit for Grief: support for you and your community'

Over the past few months, we have been honoured to work with Calgary Alliance for the Common Good and the Community Health Promotion Services team at AHS to create a toolkit that helps us as individuals and communities better understand grief, how that grief may be impacting our communities, and what we can do to move through that grief together.

To support the launch of this toolkit, we’ve created a section of our website that holds the toolkit itself, as well as supporting materials, and stories of the toolkit in action.

We encourage you to take some time to look through the materials, and to consider how your life and your community has been impacted by grief… and to intentionally put into place practices that help you and your community move through that grief together, and hold space for one another. There are so many possibilities, even when we aren’t able to all be together at once in person!

If you do put some of the toolkit into practice, we would love to hear about it! And, if you’re willing, we’d be so grateful to share the story of how you and your community are moving through your collective grief on our grief toolkit blog and instagram page!